Enrolment- Starting at Central School and Early Learning and Childcare Centre

Our Primary One pupils start school in August.  This is an exciting time for the children, their families and for staff as they begin their primary education.

Enrolment for takes place in January for Primary One pupils and in February for Nursery pupils of 3 and 4 years old.  Enrolment forms are available online.

 If you are unable to use the enrolment week for Primary One or Nursery or have difficulty with the online forms please contact the school as soon as possible where we will be happy to assist.

The Primary One class teachers work closely with the Early Learning and Childcare Centre (Nursery) staff throughout the year to ensure we provide as smooth and effective transitions as possible.  If your child does not attend our Early Learning and Childcare Centre and is due to attend our school in August, we ask that you contact us following enrolment, so we can arrange convenient times for your child to join us in transition activities.

Our transition programme includes:

  • visits to the Primary 1 classroom for the children and visits to the nursery          classroom by the Primary 1 teacher throughout the pre-school year
  • a meeting for parents before the children start school
  • a meeting for parents once the children have started school to answer any questions and show teaching methods.

Pupils outwith the catchment area

If your child lives outside the catchment area for the school, then a placing request can be made online.  

Parental Guidance- Placing Requests

Placing request forms can be obtained from:


Please note if a placing request is granted, then parents are responsible for transporting children to and from the school.

Enrolling and transferring during the school year

If your child enrols into Central, other than starting Primary 1 in August, then we will do our very best to make the transition as smooth as possible. Central will immediately contact your child’s previous school to transfer records and data. You will be given all the necessary arrangements at the time of enrolling and usually we allocate a “buddy” to your child to help them settle in. If your child has additional support needs and finds it difficult to cope with change, then the school has specific transition arrangements for helping them to settle in and to ensure that their very first experience at Central is positive. This will be discussed during enrolment.

If your child leaves Central for any reason during the school year, then please contact the school to fill in a transfer slip. We need as much information as possible on this slip, especially interim contact details. If this does not happen then the Highland Council “Children Missing from Education” procedures will be followed.