Category Archives: P1/2

Halloween Disco

The Central Halloween Disco was a great success. We raised £210! A huge thank you to Dagmara Wozniak and Anna Smirnow for all their help.

P1 and P2 beach trip

On Tuesday 24th June the P1 & 2 pupils had a fantastic school trip to Nairn Beach.

Even though the sun didn’t shine the pupils, staff and parent helpers really enjoyed the experience. Travelling by train was such an exciting adventure and the walks to and from the stations weren’t too long. The pupils were very fortunate as they just had to carry themselves….the buckets, spades, changes or clothing, lunches & snacks were transported straight from the school & back, with the kind help of Mr McMillan.

The pupils were greeted when they arrived, by Philip, the Town Crier (Bellman) who formally invited them to Nairn Beach and Play Parks.

There was lots of fun had on the beach…building castles, digging massive holes which were filled up with water by pupils who had buckets and even though the paddling pool wasn’t open we still managed to get wet feet! Great fun! A few pupils had a go at writing their names in the sand. Pupils experienced two different types of Play Parks …. where they had a go of a variety of types of Play equipment. Many of the pupils enjoyed an ice cream…yum yum! See some photos attached. Lots of exhilarated though exhausted children ….and adults ….by the end of the day!

Music celebration

Friday 28th June – Music Celebration – Time: 1.20 – 2.20 p.m.

P1-3 pupils can dress up as one of the characters from their song “ The River Song” for this event if they wish.

The choice of characters is:
Dancer, Teacher, Singer, Doctor, Writer or Builder.


Primary 1 and 2 Nairn beach trip

We will be traveling by train at 10 a.m. from Inverness Railway Station on Tuesday 25th June. We would be grateful if you could bring your child to school by 8:50 a.m. as we plan to depart from Central Primary School at 9.15a.m. We will be catching the train from Nairn back to Inverness at 1.50 p.m. We are hoping to return to school between 2:30p.m. – 2:45p.m.

For the trip pupils will require:
– Clothing appropriate for the weather conditions on the day;
– Emergency set of clothing – just in case!
– Small towel to wipe sand off feet;
– Bucket and spade;
– Water or juice;
– Packed Lunch (if taking own);
– Money (£2 maximum);
– Please apply sun cream, if required prior to leaving home.

 Please make sure that your child’s name is on all personal items. All items will be transported from Central Primary to the Beach and back again, so pupils do not need to carry anything.

 Please can you let Mrs McMillan or Miss Cardoso know if your child would like school packed lunch for the trip by tomorrow?



Every year countless pieces of crisp packets end up in landfill sites across the UK.

We are working with TerraCycle® to put an end to this enormous loss of resources.

The Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme allows us to recycle your crisp packets and prevent them from ending up in landfill.

Not only are you helping the environment, but the waste you recycle with us also helps to fund schools or organisations.

We will be collecting crisp packets until 1st of April. The children attended a short assembly today to hear all about it and know where to put their packets. Some pupils from P6 will collect these at break and lunch time.

Thank you.


Please Note – Updated Baillie Cup Training Session

Baillie Cup Training Session

P2 and P3 will now attend the Northern Meeting Park on Friday 22nd March.

P1 and P4 will attend on Friday 29th March.

This is the run offs for the P1-4 pupils who will be selected to take part in the Baillie Cup on Saturday 1st June 2019. It would be very helpful if you could please ensure that your child has a pair of well-fitting trainers/running shoes for these sessions.